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10 Ways to Declutter Your Mind and Not Just Your Junk Drawer

By Debra Kasowski

There is so little time and so much to do that our minds get so full of to do lists that seem to never end. It is hard to move forward when you do not even know where to start.

1. Replace Negative Self Talk With Positive Self Talk. Be kind to yourself. Negative chatter is the chatter that blocks us from doing what we really want to do. This negative self talk tells us that we can't go ahead and do things. It tells us that you don't know enough or perhaps you are not beautiful enough or you don't have the skill or talent to do something. Unless you try it, you will never know what your ability or capacity is. Take some time to be kind to yourself and think about how you can do it rather than how you can't. Eliminate "I can't" from your vocabulary. You can always learn a skill set but you must change a mindset in order to succeed.

2. Clearing up incomplete tasks. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by how much there is to do? Do you have all types of to do lists? Have you done a walk through inspection of your home or office? As you walk through your home or office, you may notice things that have been left unfinished. Make a list and take time to conquer each of these incompletes. Replace, fix, or toss items that are damaged. Buy items that will enhance your environment and your productivity. Get rid of the old items that are cluttering up your location. Better yet donate them to your local charity. It will be someone else's treasure. If you have not used it in a year, do you really think you're still going to use it? Pack it up in a box and if you do not use it in six months, give it away! The item is not serving you well and you'll be amazed at how much lighter you feel.

3. Write down your to do list. Don't rely on your memory to remember everything that you need to do or accomplish. Some of those tasks may be daily and monthly, or even yearly. As you write down what it is you need to accomplish each day, you will have clearer picture and focus on the things that you need to get done. You may break them down into different tasks and delegate them.

4. Determine your priorities. When you decide what your priorities are in your life you can better channel your energy to accomplish those priorities. As you take care of your priorities, the rest of your life tends to move with ease because you are focusing on what really matters to you.

5. Work on your biggest action items first. When you have a deadline to finish a big project, it can be a bit overwhelming. Some projects seem larger than others. We can often talk ourselves out of what we need to do by changing the subject or choosing to do an easier task first. We tend to put these important tasks to the side and even procrastinate when approaching that task. However, when you start with the biggest task item first the other tasks seem to be that much easier. By doing the hardest or most difficult task first, you will be more motivated to continue with the rest of your list.

6. Cut down on the amount of TV you watch. Think about the shows that you watch. What purpose are they serving you? Are they merely entertainment or educational? How do they benefit you? By cutting down your television viewing a half an hour to an hour each day, you are gaining more time to do other things that you love like reading a book or listening to an audio program. As you increase your knowledge you will see the rewards. The rewards can be: climbing the corporate ladder at work, developing a successful business, or spending more time with your family.

7. Check your e-mail only 2 to 3 times a day. Email is a time waster; we can get drawn into emails that do not help us obtain our goals. Allot certain times of day to check your email, perhaps you need to let people know that you will check your e-mail at specific times during the day. This allows others to know that you are busy and they will have a better sense of when to expect a reply from you. Many people get so caught up listening for and responding to the "bing" when a new email arrives that they end up wasting a lot of time instead of focusing on the things that they need to accomplish. Turn the "binger" off.

8. Clear and prepare your desk for the next day. This process can take about 15 to 20 minutes on average. Throw out anything that you think you do not need. Use the one touch paper method. When you touch paper, you need to decide if you are going to file it, deal with it, or dispose of it. Paper clutter can overtake our lives.

9. Take a break from what you're working on. There are times when you need to get away from the computer and your desk in order to clear your mind so you can look at your project again with fresh eyes. When we have been working steadily, we can lose sight of our vision of the end result. Sometimes, if we spend time away from a project and then later go back to it, we can think more clearly and generate many new ideas. The best way to clear your mind is to sit in silence and write down whatever thoughts come to your mind. You will be amazed at the results; some of your ideas could be ground breaking. Conversations with mastermind groups, mentors, or coaches may trigger some new ideas for you to look at too.

10. Stress reducers. Stress reducers like exercise, meditation, and prayer are fabulous ways to de-clutter your mind. Exercise not only rejuvenates us and keeps the blood flowing; it also helps our body to get in the best shape ever. Meditation is wonderful for clearing the mind. Prayer gives us hope for future and beliefs and we can achieve.

Declutter your mind daily. Each time you declutter your mind you make room for new ideas and opportunities. You will feel calm, cool, and collected and ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that come your way.


About the Author:

Debra Kasowski is the Founder/CEO of The Millionaire Woman. She is a motivational speaker, coach, and author. Debra loves to inspire and empower others to become rich from the inside out. Sign Up for her FREE Special Edition newsletter and receive monthly newsletter at or follow her blog The Millionaire Woman Minute




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